Ancient Ways Festival Panel, Harbin Springs, California, May 5-9, 1993

Available on YouTube at

The Goddess Workshop is a panel discussion exploring the concept of the Goddess and its role in a matriarchal society. Holly Tanner jumps off the panel discussion with AUEPGWM (Ancient Universal Egalitarian Peaceful Goddess Worshiping Matriarchy) and its influence on conceptualizing the Goddess in modern Paganism. Current scholarship is explored including Marija Gimbutas’s groundbreaking early work and later work by Gimbutas and other scholars that tend to make “leaps in interpretation”. Facts will always need to be interpreted, but what are facts versus myth. Sloppy archeology up to the early twentieth century has led to sloppy interpretation.

This digital asset has been authorized by M. Macha NightMare to the Valdosta State University, Archives and Special Collections to be part of the M. Macha NightMare Collection of the New Age Movements, Occultism, and Spiritualism Research Library.

1 DVD video. 480p resolution video ripped from DVD. 48000 Hz. 01:30:16. Upscaled to 720p and 1080p.