Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections Digital Commons @Vtext Community Archives - Houseal Collection CA/004-002-005 Valdosta STATE 1985-02-17 Houseal Moves Into Hotter Politics: District 1 Councilman Expects Heavy Scrutinization, 1985 February 17 Sellers, Richard (Valdosta Daily Times) For this and additional works see: 8 UUID: 83ADBF3F-53FC-52B6-4EDC-A19439DBC7BD Recommended Citation: Sellers, Richard. " Houseal Moves Into Hotter Politics: District 1 Councilman Expects Heavy Scrutinization," Valdosta Daily Times, February 17, 1985. Box 1, Folder 2, Houseal Collection, Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections, Valdosta, Georgia. This item is part of the Community Archives: Houseal Collection at Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections. Physical and intellectual rights are reserved by Dr. W. Houseal. Physical materials were loaned to Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections for the purposes of digital preservation. The digital items here are part of an online collection only. If you have any questions or concerns contact Houseal Moves Into Hotter Politics District 1 Bt Kit II\Rll SELLERS Times Stall W filer Willie Houseal. one of three councilmen elect for the City of Valdosta, said he realizes during this year his and the actions of the other new councilmen will be highly scrutinized Houseal. of City District 1. will take a council seat in March along with two other newly elected councilmen. making'll the first lime in Valdosta's history three black couneilmen had seats on the councils Houseal and Joseph "Sonny" Vickers, of District 3. were elected to council seats at a special election held Tuesday. A runoff election will be held between Bunnis "B" Williams and Dr L W Williams in two weeks for the District 2 seat *T think it'll be a leam ing process." Houseal said “Some things will be done this first year, but — realistically — six months will go by before we initiate some of our porjects that we want the city council to act on "I plan to use new ideas and to approach former candidates about their ideas." he said "I'd like to work closely with those people to get them to help me. because during the campaign 1 heard a lot of good things from those candidates " Houseal. 33. said two of his main objectives he would like to accomplish before 1986 are to help the upgrade services for the elderly and provide more recreational facilities in Valdosta T didn't have the facilities when I was growing up." said Houseal. who is a native of Valdosta "We can get grants to upgrade Councilman Expects Heavy Scrutinization « Newsmakers .. .A Special Insight Willie Houseal: 'A Learning Process' recreational facilities in our area and Valdosta as a whole. "I would like to see at least three additional parks in Valdosta, at least one of those in District 1," he said. "These are tangible things." he said. "Other things vou have to promote through policy and procedures. such as fire departments: hiring and firing practices; services; andsanitation " On if he will run for council again in 1986. Houseal said, 'The council seats will be a pressure spot I'm aware of this and it depends upon how I handle the pressure "I will almost have to run again to see some of those things completed," he added Houseal said he feels the weakest point of the Valdosta city government is its insensitivity to citizens and lack of communication. "It’s a lack of sensitivity on the officials’ part, which gave us a reason to go through the courts for the wards," he said "II they were sensitive to our needs we wouldn’t have the ward system in the first place. "Ill work to bridge that gap in communication," he said "1 want to be able to tell people what’s going on in laymen’s terms and hope the people will support me in my endeavors Houseal, also president of the Winnersville Coalition Consultants, a civil rights group, said there will be no "conflict of interests." as far as his I m only one person but presidency is concerned can wear several hats "We 'the Winnersville Housealsaid Coalition) will be more interested in problems in organizations and businesses instead of individual type problems in 1985, Houseal said "We possijy will be soliciting con tracts, going into organizations and looking into employee morale and low output in private industry "The organization was formed because I had a personal problem and when I found out Others had the same problem. I realized it was a social problem." he said "The Consultants was formed to alleviate problems we found in the community "One reason is the Winnersville Consultants will take another direction in 85 We can operate as council persons rather than a civil rights group," he said "We hope to function as a private organization with profit in mind " Houseal cited several programs the group started, such as community beautification projects and the RIFE reading program, and also the part the organization played in the civil rights lawsuit against the city to establish the ward system of government here “As a race, many organizations were ’carrying Ihe baton it’s just that the Winnersville Coalition and NAACP carried it across the finish line, " he said W hen asked if hr 'bought this was the beginning of a long political career lor him. Houseal replied."I feel like the political part of my life started Ion* before this election when J consulted with government officials then I think life itself is a political game and you have to do it die rest of your life Now I’m doing it not for myself but for others " Also Houseal said he was not surprised about the outcome of any the council and school board races "It was pretty much predicted, except for my race." he said I was the only one worried by winning । Alphonso Roosevelt • Hall was a good candidate and made me worthy of the race "It was pretty rough he added other issues came up that shouldn't have been issues and we shouldn t have had to do that "Working together will be one of our 1 he and Hall si first task*.*' Houseal said "My main concern u making a relative contribution. Houseal said "I said this 3 years ago when I ran for city council Il's more important than all the money in the world I now have that opportunity and I'll do al! 1 Can to »ee that * ll V door