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  • Bastida, Joaquin; Kojdecki, Marek A.; Pardo, Pablo; Amoros, Pedro (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2006)
    A reference sample of sepiolite and products of its comminution by vibrating dry-milling have been studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD) line-broadening analysis, complementary field emission scanning electron microscopy ...
  • Rakhmatkariev, Gairat (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2006)
    Adsorption isotherms and differential heats of adsorption of water vapor by muscovite were measured at 303 K. The heats of adsorption are stepwise and each step corresponds to the stoichiometric formation of adsorption ...
  • Allada, Rama Kumar; Peltier, Edward; Navrotsky, Alexandra; Casey, William H.; Johnson, C. Annette; Berbeco, Hillary Thompson; Sparks, Donald L. (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2006)
    Interest in hydrotalcite-like compounds has grown due to their role in controlling the mobility of aqueous metals in the environment as well as their use as catalysts, catalyst precursors and specialty chemicals. Although ...
  • Tian, Xiaofei; Wei, Min; Evans, David G.; Rao, Guoying; Yang, Heli (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2006)
    The controlled chemical oxidative polymerization of metanilic anion (m-NH2C6H4SO3 ÿ) within the interlayer of NiAl layered double hydroxide was performed using, for the first time, ammonium persulfate as the oxidizing ...
  • Roberts, Michael G.; Li, Hui; Teppen, Brian J.; Boyd, Stephen A. (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2006)
    Nitroaromatic compounds (NACs) are components of munitions commonly found as soil contaminants at military training sites and elsewhere. These compounds pose possible threats to human health and ecological systems. Recent ...
  • Harris, Rodney G.; Johnson, Bruce B.; Wells, John D. (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2006)
    The strong adsorption to kaolinite of four polyaromatic, cationic dyes (9-aminoacridine, 3,6- diaminoacridine, azure A and safranin O), which adsorb much less to alumina or silica, was investigated by means of acid-base ...
  • Harris, Rodney G.; Johnson, Bruce B.; Wells, John D. (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2006)
    The competitive adsorption to kaolinite between Cd(II) and four polyaromatic dyes (9- aminoacridine, 3,6-diaminoacridine, azure A and safranin O) was studied in 5 mM KNO3 at 25ëC. Under these conditions, Cd adsorbs to the ...
  • Harris, Rodney G.; Wells, John D.; Angove, Michael J.; Johnson, Bruce B. (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2006)
    Simple extended constant capacitance surface complexation models have been developed to represent the adsorption of polyaromatic dyes (9-aminoacridine, 3,6-diaminoacridine, azure A and safranin O) to kaolinite, and the ...
  • Favre, Fabienne; Stucki, Joseph W.; Boivin, Pascal (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2006)
    The aim of this study was to compare the redox properties of oxides and smectite structural Fe (FeStr). Structural Fe in smectite often accounts for about half of the Fe pool in soils and sediments, and is naturally reduced ...
  • Joussein, Emmanuel; Petit, Sabine; Fialips, Claire-Isabelle; Vieillard, Philippe; Righi, Dominique (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2006)
    Two reference halloysites from New Zealand (Te Puke and Opotiki) were studied by X-ray diffraction under (1) various levels of relative humidity (RH) from 95 to 0% (dehydration), and (2) various temperatures increasing ...
  • Wang, Ai-Ping; Kang, Feiyu; Huang, Zheng-Hong; Guo, Zhancheng (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2006-08)
    Porous carbons rich in mesopores and with large pore volumes have been prepared by polymerization and carbonization of a carbon precursor, sucrose, within a matrix of the natural clay, halloysite. The carbon precursor was ...
  • Hassan, Mervat S.; Baioumy, Hassan M. (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2006-08)
    Boiling glauconite from the El-Gideda area of Egypt in different concentrations of HCl and H2SO4 for different periods led to a modified structure. Treatment resulted in progressive destruction of the structure, leaving ...
  • Aplin, Andrew C.; Matenaar, Ingo F.; McCarty, Douglas K.; Pluijm, Ben A. Van Der (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2006)
    We report on how the effects of mechanical compaction and clay mineral diagenesis have affected the alignment of phyllosilicates in a suite of Miocene-Pliocene mudstones buried to sub-seabed depths of between 1.8 and 5.8 ...
  • Likos, William J.; Lu, Ning (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2006-08)
    Water-vapor sorption experiments were conducted to quantify bulk volume change of compacted expansive clay specimens resulting from interlayer hydration and dehydration in the crystalline swelling regime. Effects of ...
  • Williams, Lynda B.; Hervig, Richard L. (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2006)
    Differences in equilibration rates among crystals of different sizes may be used to deduce paleofluid changes over time if the crystal-growth mechanism is known. To explore isotopic equilibration rates as a function of ...
  • Cassiaux, M.; Proust, D.; Siitari-Kauppi, M.; Sardini, P.; Leutsch, Y. (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2006)
    The porosity of a propylitized granite from Charroux (France), with no fractures or sealed fractures, increases by more than four times from the unaltered (0.3%) to the altered rock (1.4%). This evolution results from ...
  • Guerel, Alic; Kadic, Selahatticn (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2006-09)
    The GuÈ zeloÈz-IÇ ncesu Plateaus are situated in the central and eastern parts of the Cappadocian volcanic province (central Anatolia). This province contains many ignimbrite levels, andesite, basalt intercalated with ...
  • Fisher, G. Burch; Ryan, Peter C. (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2006-09)
    Soils developed on Quaternary fluvial fill terraces in the humid tropics of Costa Rica display progressive changes in mineral assemblage, chemical composition and particle size with age. Clay minerals from B horizons of ...
  • Kacmaz, H.; Kokturk, U. (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2006)
    The zeolites and coexisting minerals of the silicic vitric tuffs in the Alacatõ (C es° me) area, west of IÇ zmir (Turkey), were studied. Mordenite is the most abundant zeolite in tuffs of the AlacËatõ area and usually ...
  • Kudoh, Yuriko; Kameda, Jun; Kogure, Toshihiro (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2006-09)
    The dissolution of brucite, Mg(OH)2, on the (001) surface was investigated using in situ atomic force microscopy in solutions at near-neutral pH. Dissolution proceeded by the formation of crystallographically oriented ...