Browsing by Subject "Enthalpy"

Browsing by Subject "Enthalpy"

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  • Teppen, Brian J.; Aggarwal, Vaneet (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2007)
    The selectivities of clay minerals for larger organic cations over smaller ones have been attributed to favorable clay-organic interactions in clay interlayers and to hydrophobic effects resulting from (partial) dehydration ...
  • Neuhoff, Philip S.; Wang, Jie (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2007)
    A calorimetric method for determining isothermal partial and integral heats of hydration reactions (DH¯ R,T,P and DH˜ R,T,P, respectively) in zeolites and other mineral hydrates is presented. The method involves immersing ...
  • Hill, Willie Darrell, Jr. (2022-07)
    Albumin is one of the most studied proteins because of its diverse functions (Peters, 1995). Albumin varies between species, but past research on Human Serum Albumin (HSA) and Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) has shown structural ...