Browsing by Subject "Illite-Smectite"

Browsing by Subject "Illite-Smectite"

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  • Mccarty, Douglas K.; Sakharov, Boris A.; Drits, Victor A. (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2008)
    Samples from different depths in the Oligocene Frio formation (offshore Gulf of Mexico) were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal analyses, and scanning electron microscopy. The experimental XRD patterns recorded ...
  • Miller, Matthew A.; Madden, Andrew S.; Madden, Megan Elwood; Elmore, R. Douglas (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2012)
    Nontronite NAu-1 was exposed to moderate temperature and pressure conditions (250 and 300ºC at 100 MPa pressure) in KCl brine to simulate burial diagenetic systems over accelerated time periods appropriate for laboratory ...