Browsing by Subject "Nanopores"

Browsing by Subject "Nanopores"

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  • Jozefaciuk, Grzegorz; Matyka-Sarzynska, Dorota (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2006)
    Bentonite, biotite, illite, kaolin, muscovite, vermiculite and zeolite were acidified or alkalized with HCl or NaOH of concentrations 0.0, 0.1, 1.0 and 5.0 mole dmÿ3 at room temperature for 2 weeks and converted into Ca ...
  • Ferreira, Daniel R.; Schulthess, Cristian P.; Amonette, James E.; Walter, Eric D. (The Clay Minerals SocietyThe Clay Minerals Society, 2012)
    The adsorption mechanisms of divalent cations in zeolite nanopore channels can vary as a function of their pore dimensions. The nanopore inner-sphere enhancement (NISE) theory predicts that ions may dehydrate inside small ...