As we look backward over the past twelve months of activity at Valdosta State College, we can say without hesitation that the vital life signs of the College are good. This vitality is characterized, first, by a student body in the fall of 4278, an increase of approximately 13% over the preceding fall. Our graduate enrollment and our junior class showed significant increases, which are good signs since some of our freshmen students, no doubt, will be siphoned off to new junior colleges in Bainbridge, Waycross, and perhaps Thomasville, in the next few years. The caliber of students is good, but SAT scores are not improving to any marked degree. Student grades were about the same as last year. We are planning special studies programs for students who enter with poor backgrounds. At the same time, we are also planning to accelerate our brightest students and inaugurate
a program of honors courses. This group on the other end of the