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Campus Canopy and the VSU Spectator: Recent submissions

  • The Campus Canopy, The Georgia State Woman's College (Georgia State Womans College, 1942-11-13)
    Compton Elected Freshmen Class President -- GSWC Holidays Extended Two Days -- Guislain Speaks Here November 17 -- Sophomore Tells of Father's Internment in the Philippines -- Allen To Be New Court Representative; Other ...
  • The Campus Canopy, The Georgia State Woman's College (Georgia State Womans College, 1942-11-06)
    Senior Class To Sponsor Carnival, Dance and Minstrel For WarBonds Saturday Night Beginning At 7:30 -- Four Student Government Posts Will Be Filled At Election November 13th -- Sock and Buskin Play Committees Announced
  • The Campus Canopy, The Georgia State Woman's College (Georgia State Womans College, 1942-10-30)
    Dr. Reade Chosen Main Speaker For Athens Honor Day -- President's Plan Will Add $500 To Bond Scholarship -- Survey Shows Many GSWG Girls Are Former Beta Club Members -- Letters To Lucrerne Set For Friday December 4th
  • The Campus Canopy, The Georgia State Woman's College (Georgia State Womans College, 1942-10-16)
    Walter Shaw Will Play With Mario Braggiotti In Duo Concert Tonight -- GSWC In Units Least Affected By Enrollment Drop -- Nabokov Speaks At Meeting Of Clubs -- Versatile Mr. Nabokov Speaks of Writing and Science and Politics ...
  • The Campus Canopy, The Georgia State Woman's College (Georgia State Womans College, 1942-10-09)
    Fray and Braggiotti Will Perform World Premier Of Greig Concerlo In Its Two-Piano Adaption Here -- Blackout At Sunday Noon -- GSWC Girls Join In Scarp Parade -- Junior Transfers Honored Bv Class -- Report Allotment of ...
  • The Campus Canopy, The Georgia State Woman's College (Georgia State Womans College, 1942-10-02)
    Vladimir Nabokov To Arrive Oct. 13 -- Gibson and Bass Speak Wednesday -- Class of 42 Find Jobs To Be Plentiful and Absorbing In Booming War - Time America -- Cut Year Announced by SAC -- Fray-Braggiotti To Appear on Campus ...
  • The Campus Canopy, The Georgia State Woman's College (Georgia State Womans College, 1942-09-12)
    Three New Teachers Join GSWC Faculty This Term -- Freshmen Urged to Return Info Sheet -- Thumbnail Sketches Of Upperclassmen Who Are Helping Freshmen Week Are Complied -- SGA & YWCA Plan Busy Week For New Students -- Sock ...
  • The Campus Canopy, The Georgia State Woman's College (Georgia State Womans College, 1938-05-21)
    Officers At Retreat Decree Definite Program -- Nine Receive Leadership Emblems -- Darst And Wade Speak At Commencement Exercises -- Rhode Recommends Career Diplomacy
  • The Campus Canopy, The Georgia State Woman's College (Georgia State Womans College, 1938-05-14)
    Cabinet of Y; SGA Officers Hold Retreat -- Ruth Bryan Owen Rohde Will Lecture Here May 16 -- Students Hear Stanford On IRC Program -- Emory Team Conducts Vesper
  • The Campus Canopy, The Georgia State Woman's College (Georgia State Womans College, 1938-05-07)
    Visitors Will Participate In Play Day -- Homecoming and Parents Day Are Features of May Day-Play Day -- May Day Begins at Five o'clock With Crowning of Zipplies as Queen
  • The Campus Canopy, The Georgia State Woman's College (Georgia State Womans College, 1938-04-23)
    Dean Names Revised and New Courses -- Four Campus Organizations Announce For New Year -- Dr. Farber Says Checkups Prove First Graduating Class Is Healthy -- Second Honor Day Features Famous Singer, Speakers And Georgia Glee Club
  • The Campus Canopy, The Georgia State Woman's College (Georgia State Womans College, 1938-04-16)
    Clubs and Organizations Send Delegates To Atlanta, Williamsburg, Gainesville Conventions -- Ceremony Will Be In Ampitheatre
  • The Campus Canopy, The Georgia State Woman's College (Georgia State Womans College, 1938-04-09)
    Citizenship Institute Closes Today -- Graham and Kelley Give Senior Recital -- Poll Reveals Students Will Fight To Defend United States -- May Day Theme Features Snow White and the Dwarfs
  • The Campus Canopy, The Georgia State Woman's College (Georgia State Womans College, 1938-04-02)
    Queen Names Members of May Court -- Emory Sponsors First Citizenship Institute at Valdosta Colleges -- C.J. Morris and Clara Mae Sasser Elected To Head Publications Next Year -- DAR Unveils Marker To Southern Soldiers
  • The Campus Canopy, The Georgia State Woman's College (Georgia State Womans College, 1938-03-05)
    Holidays and Exams -- Freshman and Juniors Swing out At Annual Formal Dance to Music of Curtis Davidson's Orchestra -- Virginia Zipplies Will Reign At MAy Festival; Bunn Is Maid of Honor
  • The Campus Canopy, The Georgia State Woman's College (Georgia State Womans College, 1938-02-19)
    Club Institute Meets At GSWC -- GCPA Holds Athens Session -- Fire Drills Organized in Dormitories -- Girls Prescribe Masculine Attire For Informal College Dances -- Artist Series Features Hit Comedy -- Faculty Members ...
  • The Campus Canopy, The Georgia State Woman's College (Georgia State Womans College, 1938-02-12)
    Ted Shawn And His Dancers Star in Saga "Oh, Libertad" -- Y Sponsors "Sister Week" -- Teams Share Victories Of First Game -- Co - operative Concert Series Presents Barrere -Britt Concentino -- Hudson and Whisonant Head ...
  • The Campus Canopy, The Georgia State Woman's College (Georgia State Womans College, 1938-02-05)
    Exhibit Aimed To Bring Art Nearer Public -- Pool Excavation Is Finished -- Carl Collins Plays At Annual Formal Honoring Seniors -- Hotchkiss Tells Of Forty Years In Africa -- Ordeal Of Initiation Looms Before Sports Club ...
  • The Campus Canopy, The Georgia State Woman's College (Georgia State Womans College, 1938-01-22)
    Regents May Establish Summer Term -- Thirty Make Fall Dean's List -- Proctor System Takes Effect -- College Lets Bid For Pool and Bath House -- Sophomores Name Date For Annual Sophomore - Senior Formal Dance
  • The Campus Canopy, The Georgia State Woman's College (Georgia State Womans College, 1937-12-11)
    Outstanding Seniors To Be Elected -- Tournaments Bring Kappa-Lambda Sports Activities To Class -- College Plans 25th Yule Festival -- Alumnae Give Fountain

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