Pinecone 1976

Show simple item record Valdosta State College 2014-10-08T18:24:36Z 2014-10-08T18:24:36Z 1976
dc.description A year book was published for Valdosta State College from 1925-1977, under the name The Pinecone. From 1981-1987, a yearbook was published called Milestones. Valdosta State University had three names during this period, Georgia State Womans College, 1925-1950; Valdosta State College, 1950-1993; and Valdosta State University 1993-present. en_US
dc.description.abstract On September 14, 1975, the quiet, peaceful VSC campus was invaded by hundreds of cars unloading thousands of students, parents, brothers, and sisters at the various dorms. Invariably each person could be seen carrying a box full of items necessary to transform a simple dorm room into a students' home away from-home for the next year. The impressions students get on their first day at school are impressions that will remain with them throughout their stay. The beauty of the campus, the carnival-like atmosphere of the dorm and the first taste of cafeteria food will linger in the minds of all students for some time to come. It is always easy to tell who the freshman are — they are the ones with the most relatives and the most boxes. Blank, vacant looks are on their faces as they wander from building to building trying to figure out where they are, while at the same time telling their parents not to worry about them because they will do just fine... en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Valdosta State College en_US
dc.subject yearbook en_US
dc.subject Americana en_US
dc.subject University History en_US
dc.title Pinecone 1976 en_US
dc.type Book en_US

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