Georgia State Womans College. "The Campus Canopy, November 28, 1934." Vol.01, No.03. Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections, 2018.
### Persons Mentioned ###
Albert Einstein; Ali Baba; Amanda Barksdale; Andre Tillman; Anita Louise; Ann Harding; Ann Turner; Anne Shirley; Annie Belle; Annie P. Hopper; Berkly McKey; Betty Pierpont; Bill Oliver; Billy Lastinger; Booth Tarkington; Bootsie Hatcher; Broun Hutchinson; Bruce McHalfey; Buck Murphy; Carol Peeples; Carolyn Askew; Chappie Bragg; Charles Dasher; Charles Joyner; Charlie Alderman; Charlie Joyner; Cheney Griffen; Clara Davis Adams; Clara Louise Dris; Clement Green; Cleo Barber; Cleopatra; Curtis Jackson; Debussy; Doris Swin; Dorothy Ogletrce; Dorothy Pittman; Dorothy Walls; Earl McKinny; Edith Bennett; Edwin V. Komarek; Elizabeth Strickland; Emily Parrish; Ernest L. Talbert; Estelle Roberts; Evelyn Deariso; Florence Tharpe; Frances Carson; Frances Garbutt; Frank Bras; Frank R. Reade; Fred Murphy; Gene King; George Cobb; George Shelton; Geraldine Farrar; Gertrude Gilmer; Grace Lahcy; Gus Cleve; Gus Cleveland; Guy Parker; Harold Gulliver; Harris Dukes; Harry Ban; Harry Ulmer; Helen Ashbrook; Henry Kate Gardner; Herbert Frazier; Herbert Wood; Humpty Dumpty; Iva Chandler; J. A. Durrenberger; J. D. Young; J. E. Culpepper; Jack Gornto; Jack Howell; Jack Oakie; Jack Okie; Jacqueline Wells; James Purcell; James R. Stokes; James Stokes; Janet Cook; Jerry Tullis; Joan Horton; Joe Davis; John Oliver; John Sin; John Sineath; Johnnie Mae Kelley; Johnnie Oli; Josephine Daniel; Josephine Joubert; Joy Miller; Joyce Tipton; Judy Cochran; Julian Stovall; Kathryne Connell; L. Stoddard; Laurier Bush; Lee Stearman; Leila Urquahart; Lena Hawks; Leonard Baldwin; Leonora DuFour; Leonora Ivey; Lillian Pat; Louise Ambos; Louise Odom; Lucy Thompson; Margaret Cannon; Margaret Hall; Margaret McCall; Marie Joiner; Martha Gay; Mary Askew; Mary Perry; Mary Polhill; Matilda Tillman; Mildred Turnbull; Myra Hackett; Myrtle Parker; Nellie Johnson; Nellie Mae Gannon; Nettie Johnson; Nova Philbeam; Ola Lee Powell; Owens; Pat Young; Peyton Lawson; Priscilla Kelley; Ray Walker; Robert Gravesâ; Robert Miller; Rosemary Hawk; Ruth Hatcher; Ruth Williams; Santa Claus; Sara Coxwell; Sara Norris; Sarah Martha Pyle; Sarah Nicholson; Sherwood Dennis; Shirley Temple; Sue Collins; Theresa Gra; Tom Brown; Vangie Trimble; Vernon McRae; Virginia Zipplies; Aubrey Stump; Florence Tharpe;
### Locations Mentioned ###
Albany, Georgia; America; Amsterdam; Arabia; Art Dome; Atlanta, Georgia; Boston; Brunswick, Georgia; Cairo, Georgia; Charleston; Columbus, Georgia; Converse Hall (Valdosta State University); Cordele, Georgia; Douglas, Georgia; Egypt; Emory; Georgia; Guy Park; Hollywood; Japan; Leesburg; Los Angeles, California; Milwaukee, Michigan; Moultrie, Georgia; New York; Okeefenokee; Princeton; Quitman, Georgia; Ray City, Georgia; Savannah, Georgia; Southern States; Sylvester, Georgia; Tallahassee, Florida; Tennessee; Thomasville, Georgia; Valdosta, Georgia; Waycross, Georgia; Jesup, Georgia;
### Organizations Mentioned ###
Alma Mater; American Legion Home; Argonian Literary Societies; Sock and Buskin Club; Dramatic Club; Emory Junior College; Emory Junior Glee Club; Emory University; Fine Arts Club; Georgia State Womans College; Georgia Society of Naturalists; International Relations Club; Lambda and Kappa; Marquette University; Omega; Presbyterian Church; Ritz; University of Georgia; Vespers; Washington Seminary;