F.E.R.A. Activities Listed for 1935-36; May the 1st Issue of Canopy to be Alumnae Edition; Class in Riflery Begins Practice; Librarians Post Book Lists; Miss Sawyer Heads Speech Teachers; Rates Are Giving for Applications in Dormitory; Mildred Seydell Speaks Friday; Fine Arts Club and Seniors Visit Florida; Vesper Services;
Georgia State Womans College. "The Campus Canopy, April 17, 1935." Vol.01, No.15. Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10428/2986.
### Persons Mentioned ###
Alys Dawn Cullens; Amanda Barksdale; Annette Phillips; Antoinette Andrews; Anton Brces; Beethoven; Bette Davis; Bill Davis; Broun Hutchinson; Camille Rogers; Carolyn Bullard; Carroll Peeples; Catherine Hagan; Catherine Morgan; Chappie Bragg; Christ; Clare Lawson; Cleo Barber; Clyde Slocumb; Daisy Daniels; Dizzy Deans; Dorothy Ogletree; Dostoievsky; Earl Phelan; Ed Jordan; Ed Rivers; Eddie Zant; Eleanor Bailey; Elizabeth Bergner; Elizabeth Larisey; Elizabeth McRee; Emma Ambos; Esther Smith; Ethelvn Massey; Florence Tharpe; Frances Carson; Frances Cope; Frances Fluker; Fredcva Ogletree; Garet Bennett; Geraldine Arrington; Harold Punke; Harriet Bullard; Harriet McPhaul; Harriet Radford; Helen Carter; Hulda Summer; Ida Lee Stearman; Iva Chandler; Jacob Griggs; James Whitcomb Riley; Janet Cook; Janie Bush; Jean Cristophe; Jean Harlow; Jessie Lang; Josephine Joubert; Joy Miller; Kahlil Gab; Kathryne Connell; Lanny Ross; Lee Stearman; Leila Mae Tyson; Leila Urquhart; Leonora Dufour; Lewis Stone; Lois Hafford; Lora McPhaul; Lorene Johnson; Lou Gehrigs; Louise Ambos; Louise Sawyer; Lucille Tyson; Luelle Giddens; Madee Watson; Marco Polo; Margaret Bullard; Margaret Hall; Margaret Hudson; Marie Middleton; Mary Agnes Roane; Mary Frances King; Mary Young; Matilda Tillman; Merle Gibson; Meyer Levin; Mildred Seydell; Mildred Turnbull; Myra Hackett; Neal McPhaul; Nelson Eddy; Nelson Eddy; O. Henry; Olive Pinkerton; Pearl Wilson; Peggy Anne Fowler; Peter Arno; Earl Phelan; Priscilla Kelley; Rachel Coxwell; Frank Reade; Rebecca Sammons; Robert Edmond Jones; Robert Young; Ruth Carpenter; Ruth Graham; Ruth Williams; Sonny Whitney; Susie Mayo; Tree Smith; Una Ritch; Virginia Ingram; Virginia Sheppard; Vivian Stanford; W. H. Stanford; Wallace Beery; Willa Hasty; William Powell; Connie Macks;
### Locations Mentioned ###
Africa; Alabama; America; Andros; Arabia; Athens, Georgia; Atlanta, Georgia; Banks Lake; Blakely, Georgia; Bok Tower; Chartres; Clemson; Converse Hall(Valdosta State University); Cranford; Doerun, Georgia; Florida; France; Georgia; Ireland; Jesup, Georgia; Kentucky; Lakeland, Georgia; Lanier Hotel; Londonderry Air; Louisiana; Macon, Georgia; Milledgeville, Georgia; Nashville, Georgia; New York; Ocala; Old Rome, Georgia; Quitman, Georgia; Rotunda; Sarasota; Scotland; Shackleton; Silver Springs; Great Britain; United States; Valdosta, Georgia; Virginia Ingram; Virginia; Waycross, Georgia;
### Organizations Mentioned ###
American Association of University Women; Alumnae Association; Sock and Buskin Club; Caprice Espagnol; Chamber of Horrors; Emory Junior Glee Club Concert; Fine Arts Club; Georgia Education Association; Georgia State Womans College; Georgia Teachers of Speech Association; Lowndes County Tribune; Pine Branch;