Dear Readers Here come the icy winds of the dark side of the Earth... All older unicorns gather in the Naryan Woods this night. Each brings and egg - some are hooven-made by artisans, some are real, for on this eve a unicorn buries an egg within the soil, a symbol of the descent of the source of life into the inner realms. We are mindful of the egg being the source of beginning, and so too, we plant our dreams... younger unicorns are free this night to romp and play, and many will carry candles as they prowl about the moon-lit heavens. Controversy continues over "Lancelot," the new unicorn born of California's grey hairs, the higher council's chairhorn has demanded a piece of natal eggshell; the opposition has called for an evaluation based on love and intention. Comments to us range from an anonymous drawing ("Egg-Bah!") to the letter in Open Forum, also anonymous...
Unicorn (Rowan Tree Church) [4], [no. 1] (Hallows, 1980). Rowan Tree Church Periodical Collection. New Age Movements, Occultism and Spiritualism Research Library. Valdosta State University. http://hdl.handle.net/10428/3000.