Open Source Alexandrian Tradition is a recension of the Alexandrian Tradition founded by Alexander Sanders. It differs somewhat from Alexandrian in many ways. Male-Female polarity is not defined by gender and it is open to individuals of all sexual preferences. Unlike many Wiccan faiths, there is no secrecy. Everything is out in the open and accessible to all information seekers. Working with Gods and Goddesses is not prescribed and is up to the individual to honor them or not. The foundation has no mythological or literary base. Their writing, rituals, and beliefs are deliberately gender-neutral. The faith embraces technology by providing resources on the internet eliminating the need for students to transcribe by hand their personal copy of the Book of Shadows. Not to be confused with syncretism, which merges two or more faiths into a single practice, Metafaith as Rev. Thompson calls it allows members to practice multiple faiths separately.