Demorest's Family Magazine. October 1880. : Autume Among the Poets by James Grant -- Chance or Providence? Chapters 1-4 by Charles Stokes Wayne -- Seed-time and Harvest Chapter 16-18 by Sherrill Kerr -- The Trumpet Major. chapter 31-34 by Thomas Hardy -- Talks with Girls [Society Girls] by Jennie June -- From the German -- The Home of Paul and Virginia -- Among the Tipperary Hills -- The Spare Suits -- A Dinner of Herbs Hills by Hattie Whitney -- Let not thy Tears by Howard Glyndon -- My Housekeeping Class by M. C. Hunderford -- Western Homes: Charlie's and Mine -- Household Art -- Gossip about Clocks -- Crest Albums -- The Toilet by Lydia M. Millard -- Correspondents’ Class -- Young America: Where the Harebells and Violets Grow Chapter 8-9 by Elizabeth Kirkwood -- Nobody's Cat by Clara J. Denton -- Solution to Illustrated Rebus in September -- Equation of Payments by Mary B. Lee -- Photograph Basket -- Lamp Mat or Tidy -- Narrow Edging -- Knotted Fringe -- Tulip Whisk Broom Holder -- Diamonds of Thought -- Spice Box -- What Women are Doing -- Editorium: Books that Live -- Sweet Sinners and Sour Saints -- “The Scanty Meal.” -- “The Post-Boy.” -- The Interests of Middle-aged Women -- Ruin to the Children -- Science in Small Doses -- Current Topics -- An Overland Trip: Letter II -- Kitchen ----- Mirror of Fashions: Models for the Month -- Review of Fashions -- The "Duchesse” Fan -- Jabots and Neckties -- Street Costumes and Visiting Toilets -- Portfolio of Fashions -- Fall Hats and Bonnets -- Ladies’ Street Garments -- The New Wraps -- “ What to Wear,” -- Remember, -- Fashionable Millinery -- Hair-Pins as Luxuries -- The Wardrobe of an Actress -- "Our Portfolio of Fashions" -- Our "Illustrated Journal" -- Cloth Costume -- The Demorest's Quarterly Journal -- Evening Dresses -- Marie Costume -- New Walking suits -- "What to Wear" -- Rodney Suit -- Rich Silk Toilets-Dinner Dresses -- A Million Readers -- Autumn Materials -- Children's Fashions -- Our "what to Wear" for the Fall and Winter of 1880-81 ----- Ladies' Club -- Literature -- Good Words -- Business Notices
Missing cover page to 538.
Digitized from original print, Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections, May 30, 2019.