Demorest's Family Magazine. June 1881. : Unknown story: Chapter 2-4 -- A Women's Rights by Sarah A. King -- Hedwig by Claire Norton -- On the Lake by L. D. Ventura -- Cologne Cathedral -- the WSestern Portal of the Cathedral at Cologne -- The Cathedral at Cologne. (The Largest Church in the World) -- Bas-rellefs over the Western Portal of the Cathedral at Cologne -- Placing teh Cap-Stone in Position, October 15, 1880 -- Kith and Kin: Chapter 14-17 by Jessie Forthegell -- Phosphorescence -- Talks: Club Life for Women by Jennie June -- A Woman's Work in a Barrack -- "What Dat?" -- Life by S. J. Donahoe -- A Summer at Chautaugua -- A Training Home -- Canadian Colleges for Girls -- Discontent -- Pictures in Embroidery -- Needlework -- City Lungs and Country Lungs -- My Housekeeping Class by M. C. Hungerford -- Women in Medicine -- A Trip to Europe, and How to do it Economically by L.P.L. -- European Letter.-No. 4 -- Work Bag -- Fancy mats for Smelling Bottles, Lamps, etc. Knitted Lace -- Pelerine -- Brush Holder -- Worsted Fringe -- Ottoman -- Table cover -- Prunes and Prisms: Ch. 7-8 by Margaret Sidney -- Answering .... Enigma in ...may. -- Diamonds of Thought -- Kitchen (recipes) -- Current Topics -- Mirror of Fashions -- Review of Fashions -- Illustrated Models -- Summer Bonnets -- Summer Dresses -- Bracelets, Rings, Necklaces, and Pendants -- Large Pelerine Collars -- Chapeaux a la Mode -- Dorimene Toilet -- Necklets of Flowers -- Description of cute Paper Pattern -- Light Wraps -- Fancy Dresses Worn by Americans in Paris -- Reception Toilet -- Wedding Laces and Jewelry -- The Hew Shaded Trimming Silks -- Trained Dresses in Hot Weather -- Rosamond Basque -- The New Rage -- Tea Gowns -- Lace for Trimming -- Short Summer Evening Toilets -- Home Dresses -- “ Our Portfolio of Fashions” -- Parasols -- Mitts for Summer Wear -- “ Little Milkmaid ” Cloak -- Children’s Fashions -- "What to Wear” -- A Boon to Sewing-Machine Operators -- Ladies' Club -- Literature -- Good Words -- Business Notices
Missing cover page up to 243.
Digitized from original print, Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections, July 29, 2019.