Georgia Architectural and Historic Properties Survey of 100 N. Quincy St., Quitman, Brooks County, Ga., 1981. Bungalow, irregular plan. Multi-gabled roof, exposed rafters and brackets. Gabled porch (screened), clapboard siding - green stain. Sash windows with 8/1 lights. Interior chimney. Transom over door. Good condition. Date of Construction: 1914. 1958 - porch enclosed for a room. This house is a very good example of Bungalows built during the 20's. The Harrell's were told that clay was dug from this lot in 1892 to make the brick to renovate the courthouse. Significant as part of a potential National Register district, along Screven St., and north of it, and including the commercial district.
Georgia Architectural and Historic Properties Survey of 100 N. Quincy St., Quitman, Brooks County, Ga., 1981.
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