Georgia Architectural and Historic Properties Survey of Blair's Gifts Flower & Gift Shop, 202 E. Screven St., Quitman, Brooks County, Ga., 1981. Two story, rectangular plan building. Flat roof, red brick, sash windows on second floor with 1/1 lights. Original storefront. Decorative brick work along top. Wood base and glass storefront. Commercial and offices. Date of Construction: c. 1880. In 1895, this was a jewelry store. 1900 - printing shop. 1905 - dry goods (A.J. Moran). 1912 - general store. Significant as part of a potential National Register district., a downtown district of late 19th and early 20th century commercial buildings along Screven St., both north and south.
Georgia Architectural and Historic Properties Survey of Blair's Gifts Flower & Gift Shop, 202 E. Screven St., Quitman, Brooks County, Ga., 1981.
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