Georgia Architectural and Historic Properties Survey of Barney [10] Unknown, Cecil, Ga. December 1980. A one story rectangular plan with multi-gabled roof and shiplap siding. Shed porch with turned spindle posts. Sash windows with 2/2 lights. Interior chimney. Brick piers. 3 sided bay. Good condition. Date of Construction: c. 1920. Not significant as part of a potential National Register historic district. Town not extensive enough for a district.
Georgia Architectural and Historic Properties Survey of Barney [10] Unknown, Cecil, Ga. December 1980. 1 electronic record and assets. Digitized from originals. 1 PDF. 1 scan. 1 photograph. 2400 DPI TIF. 300 DPI 4x6 JPG. 931 KB (953,373 bytes).