12/4- Nursing home loses $28.8 million bequest over racist provision: Will states facility can only serve whites- Associated Press; 12/15- Rep. Bishop supports People’s Tribunal request: Pushes for renewed investigation into inmate’s death- Brian Lawson (TWO COPIES); 12/24- Aaron hammers Rocker for remarks against gays, minorities: Hall of Fame “very sick and disgusted about the whole situation”- Associated Press; 12/26- Homebuyers must be financially ready- Pamela Reeves; 12/28- Democrats seek diversity- Associated Press;
Valdosta Project Change. “Valdosta Project Change Scrapbook, December 1999,” Lowndes County Historical Society. Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections, MS-181: Valdosta Project Change Scrapbook Collection, 1997-2003. 1 PDF document and scans, 8 pages. 216 MB (226,523,093 bytes).