Valdosta Project Change, Scrapbook, January 2000

Show simple item record Valdosta Project Change 2023-10-31T18:29:58Z 2023-10-31T18:29:58Z 2000-01
dc.identifier.citation Valdosta Project Change. "Valdosta Project Change Scrapbook, January 2000," Lowndes County Historical Society. Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections, MS-181: Valdosta Project Change Scrapbook Collection, 1997-2003. en_US
dc.description Valdosta Project Change. “Valdosta Project Change Scrapbook, January 2000,” Lowndes County Historical Society. Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections, MS-181: Valdosta Project Change Scrapbook Collection, 1997-2003. 1 PDF document and scans, 14 pages. 404 MB (424,506,488 bytes). en_US
dc.description.abstract 1/12- Williams case will not be reopened: DOJ declines to investigate prisoner’s death; People’s Tribunal to respond today- Brian Lawson; 1/13- Williams case still under review: Officials say earlier report was premature- Brian Lawson; 1/16- Haitians protest immigration policy, ethnic politics- Associated Press; 1/16- Clinton wants expansion of law on hate crimes- Associated Press; 1/17- America celebrates MLK day: Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy honored in Valdosta ceremonies- Peter Failor; 1/17- King’s spirit lives on in powerful words- no author; 1/18- ‘Southern firewall’: Support from black voters may help Gore defeat Bradley- Associated Press; 1/18- Don’t you want my job? - T.S. Rose; 1/18- Leaders nix effort to change flag: Rev. Jackson calls for tourism boycott of Georgia- Associated Press; 1/18- Thousands march to protest Confederate flag- Associated Press; 1/19- Readers: Keep state flag flying: Poll callers overwhelmingly favor keeping Georgia’s flag- T.S. Rose; 1/31- Where it starts- no author; 1/31- No big deal- no author; 1/31- Clothes counterpoint- no author; 1/31- Fair is fair- no author; en_US
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf; image/jp2; image/jpg; en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Lowndes County Historical Society en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries MS/181: Scrapbook, 2000. January.;
dc.subject Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.); en_US
dc.subject Discrimination--Prevention en_US
dc.subject Lowndes County Historical Society (Valdosta, Ga.) en_US
dc.subject Nonprofit organizations en_US
dc.subject Project Change en_US
dc.subject Race discrimination--Prevention en_US
dc.subject Racism en_US
dc.subject Scrapbooks en_US
dc.subject Valdosta (Ga.) -- Social conditions en_US
dc.subject Valdosta (Ga.) en_US
dc.subject Valdosta Daily Times en_US
dc.subject Valdosta Project Change en_US
dc.title Valdosta Project Change, Scrapbook, January 2000 en_US
dc.type Text en_US

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