CA-002-003: File Section H - I

CA-002-003: File Section H - I


Recent Submissions

  • Grady County Historical Society (1932)
    This item is a collection of books detailing the early histories of counties surrounding Grady County. The sources start around the conclusion of the War of 1812 and subsequent treaties with native tribes.
  • Grady County Historical Society (1980-1991)
    This item contains the background information on those interviewed for oral history collections at the Roddenbery Library. About 5 pages of veterans and their experiences are recorded. All people who were interviewed were ...
  • Grady County Historical Society (1926-1935)
    This item contains a list of land indentures between the years 1926 and 1935 from various places across the city.
  • Grady County Historical Society (1973)
    In this letter from J.B. Roddenbery writes to Folks Huxford about a book that was recently published by Huxford. The letter blames the Civil war for destroying many family records preventing further genealogical research. ...
  • Grady County Historical Society (No Date)
    This item is telling the story of George T. Hurst as a pastor at Long Branch Baptist Church in the late 1860s. The item also details the history of Hurst before becoming a pastor in Cairo. The item then later mentions other ...
  • Grady County Historical Society (2021)
    A newspaper article written by Truman Lastinger is the focal point for this item. The Hill-Burton act is credited for keeping many hospitals open during the Great Depression. The article details the trouble that the hospital ...
  • Grady County Historical Society (1947-1989)
    This item describes how a previous sanitorium inspired the operations of Grady County General Hospital. Furthermore, the item includes revenue certificates from the Grady County Hospital Authority. Also included are other ...
  • Grady County Historical Society (2010-2018)
    This document details the history of the Grady County General Hospital and the recent accolades that the hospital has earned. The Hill-Burton act is mentioned as a reason for Grady General Hospital being open.
  • Grady County Historical Society (1966)
    This item describes where the Grady County General Hospital is and some brief history of the hospital.
  • Grady County Historical Society (1939-2005)
    This item contains a newspaper and a letter discussing the legislation that created Grady County. The newspaper is dated in 2005, and the letter is dated in 1939.
  • Grady County Historical Society (No Date)
    This document includes photos of a Hoover cart that was used during the great depression. The Hoover Cart was a Model T chassis with a horse pulling it. Photos date between the 1930s and the early 1950s
  • Grady County Historical Society (1951)
    This document is a record of genealogical records for Horton Henry Holder and his descendants. He was a resident of Cairo and a veteran of the First World War. Horton Holder died at the age of 83 in 1951 in San Antonio, Texas.
  • Grady County Historical Society (1995-01-21)
    This document dated around 1996 details all the historic sites sponsored by the Grady County Historical Society for state historic status. Furthermore, the papers include meeting minutes to discuss what buildings should ...
  • Grady County Historical Society; The Cairo Messenger (2022-09-21)
    These newspaper pages are detailing the second annual Hispanic Heritage Month celebration. The celebration took place in Cairo Georgia.
  • Grady County Historical Society; Ira Higdon Grocery Company (2012)
    This document dated around 2012 tells the history of a produce supplier in Cairo Georgia. This document details expansion of the company and the presidents of the company over the years.
  • Grady County Historical Society; Thomasville Times (2005-07-24)
    The newspaper is written about Joey Hester and his career in football during and after high school. The article discusses his successes despite the adversity he experienced later in his career.
  • Grady County Historical Society (1861-1863)
    These documents are records from the Confederate States Army that include Hardy Hestor and his service in the army. Also included is a family tree that includes Hardy Hestor.
  • Grady County Historical Society (1977-1997)
    These letters dating between 1977 and 1997 discuss the history of South Georgia around the city of Cairo. Many of the letters are requests for maps predating European colonization or prior to the Indian removal.
  • Grady County Historical Society (1965-06-23)
    This document is a letter of correspondence between a pastor and one of the church goers locally. The letter talks about members of the community and some brief history of the city of Cairo.
  • Unknown author (1826-2019)
    These papers are discussing the history and the foundation of the Hawthorne trail from Decatur County down into Grady County. The papers are made up of numerous letters dated between 1836 and 2019. Various webpages and ...

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