The idea of an M.Ed. in IT with a non P‐12 (corporate) focus has been floated within CLT for more than a year. This white paper examines environmental, systemic, and pedagogical factors affecting a possible shift in the ...
This item contains newspapers, ancestry records and photographs from the community in Morven. The latter part of the item is a collection of Spencer family history and genealogy.
Swicord, Leigh R.(Valdosta State University, 2009)
The economic downturn has exacerbated social problems as more persons are unemployed, homeless, and in need of assistance. If not aided, these persons may be more likely to resort to drug usage and other inappropriate ...
New teachers are leaving the profession at steadily increasing rates at a substantial cost to Georgia taxpayers who support local school districts and the state department of education (Pelfrey, 2020). Recruitment, training, ...
Oguz, Fatih; Swanson, Margaret; Kastellec, Michael(Valdosta State University, 2009-10-08)
Library websites are public faces of the libraries on the Web and serve as online gateways to variety of resources and activities happening in the library. Usability of a library website play a critical role in enabling ...
This study explored how residence life and housing departments and programs assessed the resident assistant (RA) training programs that they held during the 2012-13 academic year. The purpose of this research was to ...
Daugharty, Janice. "Mama," n.d. Series 2: The Short Stories (Unpublished), 2, Box: 5; Box: 6; Box: 7. Janice Daugharty Papers, MS-22. Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections. Box 6, Folder 5.
Daugharty, Janice. "Mama," n.d. Series 2: The Short Stories (Unpublished), 2, Box: 5; Box: 6; Box: 7. Janice Daugharty Papers, MS-22. Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections. Box 6, Folder 5.
Daugharty, Janice. "Mama," n.d. Series 2: The Short Stories (Unpublished), 2, Box: 5; Box: 6; Box: 7. Janice Daugharty Papers, MS-22. Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections. Box 6, Folder 5.
Daugharty, Janice. "Mama," n.d. Series 2: The Short Stories (Unpublished), 2, Box: 5; Box: 6; Box: 7. Janice Daugharty Papers, MS-22. Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections. Box 6, Folder 5.
Ware, Fred A.(Southeastern Case Research Journal, 2003-06)
This case, focusing on the activities of an academic institution’s presidential search committee, illustrates multiple decision points in every classical management function as encountered under intense time pressure and ...
Ware, Fred A.(SAM Advanced Management Journal, 2003-06-22)
The article presents the general background and management challenge of confidentiality and its usage in general management policies. Having taken part in a presidential search with little prior preparation, the author ...
Manipulation in nursing education has not been widely studied; however, the
concepts of incivility and entitlement have been extensively researched and reported
within the context of nursing education. All three concepts ...
By 1860 there were at least 2,399 enslaved people (46% of the total population) in Lowndes County and there were 249 slave owners among the 2,850 white residents (9% of the entire white population of all ages). While some ...
Handwritten and bound medieval Ge'ez chant book, written on partchment in wooden cover and leather case. Created by unknown author in Ethopia, no date.
In the current era of school reforms, teachers are being asked to make decisions regarding instruction and school improvement that they were not hired to perform, nor prepared to perform (Elmore, 2002). The discrepancies ...
The purpose of this study was to examine mathematics achievement for African American students from Grades 3 through 8 for two county school districts and two city school districts over the years 2009 to 2014 in order to ...
Approximately 80% of community college students and 25% of four-year students taking mathematics courses in post-secondary institutions struggle with moderate to high math anxiety, and 67% of two-year and 44% of four-year ...