This study stemmed from my desire to maximize the benefits of Accelerated
Reader (AR) for students by focusing on teacher implementation. The intervention was
participant-centered staff development in AR monitoring techniques. Reading
Renaissance training videos were presented prior to the staff development workshop. In
the workshop, teachers discussed research supporting Reading Renaissance strategies,
reviewed AR reading logs and reports, then shared AR techniques they had used in the
past, problems encountered, adaptations they had made, and suggestions for successful
implementation of the AR program. The four-week study that followed investigated
whether participant-centered staff development affected the types or frequency of
monitoring in the classroom as well as teacher attitudes about the AR program. Results
indicated an increase in both types and frequency of monitoring as well as very positive
attitudes about AR. Several other critical implementation issues surfaced as a result of the
study. Overall, participant-centered staff development for AR appeared to be a practical,
effective training strategy that promotes problem solving, shared practices, and peer
support but may be most effective when implemented as an ongoing training strategy.