The purpose of this study was to determine if the use of system dynamics
computer modeling software would affect student ability to recognize cause-effect
relationships in reading selections. Pre- and posttests were administered to measure
changes in reading comprehension and a pre- and post-intervention Likert Scale survey
was administered to determine changes in student attitudes relating to the use of
computer software in reading instruction. A performance rubric was also used to gauge
progress specifically related to using system dynamics computer modeling techniques for
identifying cause-effect relationships in reading selections. The setting was an inner city
gifted center and the participants were fourth and fifth- graders who attend the center one
day per week. System dynamics strategies were used to examine reading selections and,
as the culminating activity, STELLA computer modeling software was used to model
diagrams of the causal relationships within stories. Because of the one- group pretestposttest
design, no conclusive results could be obtained, however, it was concluded,
based on observations and data, that the ability of students to recognize cause-effect
relationships in selected readings improved as a result of the intervention.