The purpose of this study was to focus on the initial familiarization phase of a
three-step technology staff development plan and describe the instructor and participant
experience during technology introductory familiarization activities and determine the
impact of such activities on teachers' expressed interest levels in technology use,
technology integration and additional technology staff development. This study also
looked at the impact of such activities on teachers' attitudes toward learning new
technology skills. A review of the available literature found that technology staff
development must address the characteristics of adult learning and it begins with an
emphasis on teaching and learning. The action research in this study was based on one
successful model for technology staff development found through the literature review.
Participants in the study included elementary teachers and paraprofessionals who
participated in four introductory familiarization activities over the course of four weeks.
Data collection included a survey of previous technology staff development,
familiarization activity surveys, instructor field observations and a survey for participants
of two or more of the activities.
Results were positive toward the use of familiarization activities as a form of
technology staff development. Participant responses indicated agreement that the
familiarization activities were beneficial, made them feel more comfortable with the
presented technology, and increased their interest in participating in further staff
development. Stakeholders received study results during a presentation of a Learning
Community Report.