High school mathematics achievement is crucial to the success of students as they advance through their education and prepare for careers, but most Georgia high school students are not high-achievers on state mandated mathematics assessments (GaDOE, 2019; Yu & Singh, 2018). The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the life and career experiences of successful algebra teachers, their perceptions of effective use of IXL in the mathematics classroom, and the key factors for students mastering mathematics content. IXL is one of six educational online resources created and provided by IXL Learning Company (IXL, 2021). The researcher used a phenomenological research design to describe the lived experiences of six successful algebra teachers in rural South Georgia while implementing IXL with their students (Creswell, 2014). The researcher collected data through two semi-structured interviews with each participant and a review of documents and artifacts (Ary et al., 2019; Creswell, 2014). Through data analysis, the researcher identified four themes: (1) relationships, (2) motivation, (3) IXL strategies, and (4) integration of technology. The findings suggest relationships with students could motivate and improve student learning. Technology use, including IXL, can improve student learning but some technology is a distraction. Finally, teachers should use IXL purposefully to supplement teaching for a limited amount of time daily. The study’s findings are significant for school districts, school leaders, and teachers.
Keywords: Algebra, High School, IXL, Mathematics, Successful Teachers, Technology