The ubiquity of technology and advancements in telecommunications has transformed the higher education landscape. Today’s students are seeking high quality and engaging curriculum with innovative support services and ...
Alsandor, Dr. Danielle J.; Fitzpatrick, Colleen(2013-03-04)
Technological devices are a part of our daily lives. Be it operating smart phones, taking pictures with a digital camera, listening to Internet radio, or using social media, there are numerous gadgets and software at our ...
OneNote is a program that helps strengthen one's ability to keep up with events, ideas, and other notes electronically. The OneNote application can be accessed by devices such as Android, iPad, Windows based machines, and ...
The presentation will focus on how to create rubrics that align with your learning objectives, pinpoint the areas of student performance that you want to measure, and produce scores that accurately reflect the degree of ...
Rowell, Dr. P. Clay; MaNais, Zena(Valdosta State University, 2012-04-12)
Challenges in installing active learning in the higher education classroom are managing time between the lecture and the student activity, and student engagement with the content. This presentation explores the utilization ...
Tandy, Cindy(Valdosta State University, 2012-04-12)
When using the virtual world of Second Life for teaching, issues emerge concerning orienting and preparing students to participate in class projects, assignments, and meetings in Second Life. For instructors, there often ...
Tandy, Cindy(Valdosta State University, 2012-03-12)
A spacious and attractive build on the VSU island in Second Life, VSU Clinical Services provides simulated environments for course assignments, projects, and meetings. Groups can conduct meetings in the conference room, ...
Williams, Ginger; Tanner, Kimberly(Valdosta State University, 2012-02-29)
Participants of this session will learn about the many varieties of embedded librarianship going on across the state of Georgia. A descriptive study of embedded librarianship in Georgia universities revealed that librarians ...
Holt, Michael; Braun, Ed(Valdosta State University, 2012-02-20)
A new phenomenon of creative engineering spaces or hackerspaces provides a unique opportunity to engage students in the process of innovation. Hackerspaces can be an engaging platform for students because they provide a ...
King-Spezzo, Vincent; King-Spezzo, Amanda; Papa, Gina(Valdosta State University, 2012-02-20)
This presentation will focus on best practices and lessons learned during plagiarism prevention implementation at an institutional level and within a collaborative setting. We will begin with a discussion of the importance ...
Morris, Karen(Valdosta State University, 2011-03-03)
Fascinated with the idea of hybrid classes, several questions needed answering. First of all, with the proliferation of new information sources, Social Network Systems, and innovative technology, could someone teach in a ...
Way, Raleigh; Lloyd, David; Champion, Deborah(Valdosta State University, 2011-03-03)
The Center for Online Learning (COL) at Georgia Southern University (GSU) develops courses for online
degree programs. The process includes two weeks of online training for faculty who teach the courses. The
two‐week ...
Chaloux, Bruce(Valdosta State University, 2011-03-03)
This luncheon address will take a whimsical, yet
pointed, look at the changing nature of the academy
and how technology, online learning and new student
markets are impacting traditional teaching and
learning environments. ...
Carver, Curtis A.(Valdosta State University, 2011-03-03)
This presentation examines the intersection between
people, technology and learning and challenges the
audience to think differently about the future
interaction between the three. How do people
fundamentally learn? ...