The New York Times: Shakespeare Tercentenary: 1616-1916. -- Shakespeare The Great Creator of Tragedy: "In His Isolated Achievement Tragedy Climbed to Its Supreme Summit and Vanished" -- The Mines From Which He Dug His Plots -- Campbell Found Beatrice Disagreeable -- A Crime to Teach Shakespeare As We Do Now: A Pupil Who Gets a Mark of 100 and Thereafter Hates Shakespeare Has Failed-Rather, His Teacher Has -- Victor Hugo On Hamlet, Othello, and Lear: The Great Frenchman's View of THree Great Tragedies -- Another French View: Macbeth and Hamlet: Each "The Story of a Moral Poisoning," Says Taine.
Digitized from original print, Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections, October 5, 2016. Additional information, along with text of document, found with the Library of Congress. Link to the February 27, 1916: https://www.loc.gov/item/sn78004456/1916-02-27/ed-1/