Vtext Repository
Welcome to the VSU Digital Repository. Vtext is a Master of Library and Information Science Program and Odum Library initiative. Vtext is an open access digital repository maintained by the Odum Library to collect, preserve, and distribute Valdosta State University's intellectual capital in ways not currently supported by traditional library and publication models. Repositories are important tools for preserving an organization's legacy; they facilitate digital preservation and scholarly communication.
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Longo, Barbara A
This mixed-methods comparative public policy study examined the restrictiveness of the stay-at-home executive orders issued by U.S governors and the effect those restrictions had on COVID-19 health outcomes. The author ...
LaJeunesse, William
This quantitative non-experimental survey study examined the predictive relationship between compensation satisfaction or organizational commitment and K-12 IT workers’ intention to stay. The study included 247 IT workers ...
Johnson, Ethan
This dissertation explores a multi-state analysis of why some states decertify more police officersthan others with similar or larger populations, aiming to identify best practices for decertification to effectively address ...
Hufstetler, Marlana Dian
Trauma transcendence is a common theme within Margaret Atwood and Hilary Mantel’s works, and it is also an important steppingstone in achieving Soul reclamation. From a Jungian perspective, the Soul and the Self are two ...
Harris, Sherley Champe
The number of Dual Language Immersion (DLI) programs in the United States have grown significantly in recent years, but research often overlooked the instructional tools and practices teachers use in DLI classrooms. This ...
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